TA Spotlight: Tarun Chawdhury

Tarun Chawdhury

Tarun Chawdhury is a TA for CS 6440: Intro to Health Informatics. Keep reading to learn more about Tarun!

What do you do professionally?

I have over 18 years of professional experience in software development, with around half of that time spent in the healthcare industry. Currently, I work as a DevOps and Cloud Architect for a large health insurance company. I enjoy developing Enterprise Cloud, DevOps, & Automation strategies and helping organizations adopt Cloud & DevOps for building healthcare applications. My expertise includes building automation standards, guidelines, and best practices using technologies like Ansible, Terraform, and Azure DevOps.

Why do you TA for OMSCS?

I am currently an Instructional Associate (IA) for CS 6440: Intro to Health Informatics, and I started out as a student here. The course is well-designed and focuses on health interoperability standards, which can help health information technology professionals grow and improve their skills. Completing this course has helped me greatly in my personal and professional life, and working as a TA is my way of giving back. Being a TA allows me to share my healthcare expertise, give back, and stay up-to-date while contributing to solving healthcare problems. It's an honor to be part of this course, and I'm excited to help students achieve their goals in OMSCS.

What is your advice for future OMSCS students?

I completed the OMSCS program in Spring 2022 and posted a video on my YouTube channel—Success Tips for Online Georgia Tech Masters in CS. I encourage students to watch it for more detailed advice. In summary, my advice is to be persistent and prioritize learning. Embrace the value of failure, and select courses that align with your career goals and can add value to your field of work. OMSCS is a great platform for networking with academic and industry experts who can help you land your dream job or build your own company. Enjoy the journey and build a great network!

What is your best study hack?

In my opinion, the best study hack is to focus and avoid unconscious drifting. When learning something new or complex, success requires a focused approach. It's not just about the amount of time spent on the task, but rather the quality of that time spent with a clear and undivided mind. External distractions like phone notifications, email alerts, or chat messages can derail focus and extend learning time. To combat this, set aside dedicated periods of focus during which you can fully immerse yourself in the learning process. The sense of fulfillment that follows such periods of focused learning is truly rewarding. On the other hand, attempting to learn while surrounded by distractions or unconsciously drifting can lead to frustration and a sense of stagnation. Therefore, maintaining focus and avoiding unconscious drifting is essential to achieving success in learning.

Find Tarun on...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarunchawdhury
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@dlyog
Personal Website: https://www.dlyog.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tarunchy33