TA Spotlight: Patrick Hu

Patrick Hu

Patrick Hu is a TA for CS 6400: Database Systems Concepts and Design. Keep reading to learn more about Patrick!

What do you do professionally?

I am a data analyst for a software company, working on applications and insights for sales, marketing, and customer success. The database, data analytics, and team collaboration skills I worked on during OMSCS have all been valuable in my career.

Why do you TA for OMSCS?

I enjoyed being a student, and I appreciated the role the teaching staff had on my experience. I like being a TA because of the opportunity to stay connected to the OMSCS community and to support student success.

What is your advice for future OMSCS students?

The OMSCS coursework is challenging and can feel overwhelming at times. For me, it was helpful to have a daily routine of getting a little work done each day. This approach helped me find a sustainable pace as I went through the program.

What's your best study hack?

I like to take frequent breaks from my computer and do something active. I find that physical activity helps me reenergize and refocus when I get back.