TA Spotlight: Maia Kelly

Maia Kelly

Maia Kelly is a TA for CS 6750: Human-Computer Interaction. Keep reading to learn more about Maia!

What do you do professionally?

I am an analytical chemist who works primarily with analyzing glycans and glycoproteins with mass spectrometry. I am working towards my M.S. in Computer Science to start applying my knowledge of mass spectrometry to software development.

Why do you TA for OMSCS?

I love connecting with students and helping them succeed. I have had amazing TAs in the classes that I have taken. They have made the classes much easier to grasp and helped bridge the gap between the content and application. I applied to be a TA because I am so thankful for the help from other TAs and wanted to give that to other students.

What is your advice for future OMSCS students?

I was nervous applying to OMSCS because my formal education wasn’t in Computer Science. My degrees are in Chemistry and Biology. My advice for future students would be to take the leap and start the program. I have met other students who are also making a big career change and OMSCS has been a very supportive program. It will be challenging, but after a couple semesters you will feel much more at ease. I have learned a tremendous amount in the first year of the program, and every challenge has been worth it.

What hobby or activity are you looking forward to getting back to once you're done with OMSCS?

I love traveling and look forward to going on a few international trips when I am done with the program. Since having my first child, we have flown 13 times together as a family and look forward to many more trips.

Find Maia on...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maia-kelly/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maiaikelly