TA Spotlight: Sayli Uttarwar

Sayli Uttarwar

Sayli Uttarwar is a TA for CS 8001: Women in Tech Seminar. Keep reading to learn more about Sayli!

What do you do professionally?

I joined the OMSCS program back in 2021, and that time I was also working as a Software Developer at a reputed fintech firm. Now, I have transitioned to the full-time on-campus version of this program, and I am enjoying my time here on the Atlanta campus!

Why do you TA for OMSCS?

OMSCS provides an environment where as a TA, I get the opportunity to grow, improve, and develop while learning from others. I am currently working as a TA for CS 1301: Introduction to Computing and CS 8001: Women In Tech Seminar. I've only been a TA for two semesters, but I'm always impressed by OMSCS students' expertise and knowledge.

What is your advice for future OMSCS students?

OMSCS courses require a significant amount of time and effort. Create a study schedule that balances your coursework with other responsibilities and commitments. Also, due to the online nature of OMSCS, the best advice would be to stay connected with your professors, TAs and classmates—participate in online forums, attend office hours, and collaborate with your peers. These interactions can help you stay motivated and deepen your understanding of the course material.

What's your best study hack?

Personally, I am a huge fan of the Feynman technique—that is, explaining concepts to someone else in simpler terms. This has helped me to better understand the subject matter and to pinpoint places where I still need to learn more.

Find Sayli on...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sayli-uttarwar/