OMSCS Scholarship Fund

Beginning in 2023, OMSCS has two scholarship funds: the Endowed Fund and the Expendable Fund. Both funds go toward supporting scholarships for future OMSCS students, especially (though not limited to) those with difficulty funding their enrollment in the program, those with career plans to expand access to CS education, and those from backgrounds historically underrepresented in computer science. Specific scholarships and application periods are contingent on what funding is available and when.

Contributions to the Expendable Fund directly support a specific future scholarship. Contributions to the Endowed Fund are placed into an interest-earning account, and the interest from that contribution funds scholarship opportunities in perpetuity.

Anyone is eligible to contribute to either fund. Gifts to the OMSCS Fellowship fund are tax deductible. To contribute to the fund, click one of the links below—any contribution is appreciated, and donors will be recognized in the annual OMSCS Report unless they choose to remain anonymous. If you are interested in funding more significant scholarship opportunities—such as funding and naming a scholarship (~$7,000) or endowing a named fellowship (~$50,000)—please contact Ana Rusch at

Applications for scholarships will be posted here in the future once funding levels are established.