TA Spotlight: Tyson Bailey

Each week we spotlight an OMSCS TA, so you can get to know who's behind the screen. Here are four questions for Tyson Bailey, who TAs CS 6291 (Embedded Software Optimization).
What do you do professionally?
I'm perhaps a parallel entrepreneur and have attempted to start multiple companies, write books, start a handful of YouTube channels, TA, be president of our kids’ PTA, and have a full-time job basically all at the same time. My full-time job is in autonomous cyber research, asking how can we use advances in intelligence to better protect and test our systems.
Why do you TA for OMSCS?
I felt that the class I'm TAing right now wasn't doing justice to the program, so once I graduated I decided I wanted to give back. I've built tools to make the grading and the whole experience more consistent. When we used to get grades back in months now, they go back often within a week (and if we didn't have jobs and families, much less than a week). I *still* TA because I have a hard time saying no, and because I worry if I walk away, someone else may not carry the torch and keep the standard where I want it.
What's your advice for future students in OMSCS?
For new students, take ONE class and only one class your first semester. I have had countless friends and students who have made the mistake of taking two classes and either failing one or both of them. I started a YouTube channel to try to answer these questions 60 seconds to success. I'd love to have more perspectives, but make friends and keep yourself accountable. If you can't motivate yourself, no one else will, and you'll find yourself in a tough spot.
What's your favorite memory from your time in or working with OMSCS so far?
When I had my son's bedroom blacked out for computational photography, and just getting to learn some really cool stuff and use creativity, too.